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End User License Agreement

Trillo Software License Agreement

Last Modified: March 8, 2018

The Software License Agreement are part of a legal agreement (the “Agreement”) between the person or entity agreeing to these terms (“Customer”) and Trillo, Inc. (“Trillo”), a Delaware corporation, and includes this Software License Agreement, any terms expressly incorporated herein by reference, and any terms in a fully executed ordering document that incorporates this Trillo Software License Agreement (an “Order”). This Agreement is effective as of the date the Order is fully executed (the “Effective Date”).

Customer may use Software, Support and/or other Services (collectively “Products”) from Trillo subject to the terms of this Agreement. “Software” means software, data and other materials made available to Customer by Trillo as specified in the applicable Order, including error corrections, modifications and updates to such items, and including the Documentation. “Software” does not include, and Trillo does not warrant or support, software obtained from any source other than Trillo on Google Marketplace or Trillo, Inc. itself. “Documentation” means the materials available at, as amended from time to time. “Support” means the services described in the Trillo Support Policy available at , as amended from time to time. “Services” means training, consulting or services other than Support specified in an Order.


Subscription. Trillo provides Support for and licensing of its Software as a combined subscription (a “Subscription”) for the time period specified in Customer’s Order (the “Subscription Period”).

Subscription License. If a Customer has purchased a Subscription, then subject to the Agreement, Trillo grants Customer a global, nonexclusive, nontransferable, nonsublicensable, terminable license to use the Software during the Subscription Period (a “Subscription License”) subject to any license parameters specified in the applicable Order.

Support. If a Customer has purchased a Subscription, Trillo will provide Customer with Support of the Software during the Subscription Period. If a Customer requires a purchase order to complete its purchase, the Support will not be provided until Customer delivers a conforming purchase order.

Limited No-Fee License. Trillo grants Customer a royalty-free, global, nonexclusive, nontransferable, nonsublicensable, time-limited, and, terminable license to use the Software, solely for non-production purposes (a “No-Fee License”), without the right to Support.

Purchases Through a Reseller. If Customer purchases a Subscription from a reseller that has been authorized by Trillo then Customer will comply with the applicable licensing terms as agreed upon by Trillo and the reseller.

Consulting Services

Trillo provides Consulting Services according to Service Terms that are defined in a separate agreement.

Proprietary Rights

Software. The Software is licensed, not sold. As between the parties, all intellectual property rights in the Software shall remain with Trillo or its licensors.

Federal Agency Users. The Software was developed solely at private expense and is commercial computer software and related documentation within the meaning of the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency supplements thereto.

Feedback. If Customer provides any suggestions or feedback regarding the Products, then Trillo may use that information without obligation to Customer, and Customer hereby irrevocably assigns to Trillo all right, title, and interest in that feedback or those suggestions.

Withdrawal of Consent

You may withdraw your consent to the collection of Personal Information at any time by sending an email to us. Upon receiving notice that you have revoked your consent, we will stop using your Personal Information within a reasonable time, which will vary depending on what information we have collected and for what purpose. Please note that we will send you an email confirmation upon receipt of your request. Therefore, if you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact us again with your request. If you do choose to withdraw such consent, your access to the Platform may be diminished, or your ability to choose some of the options on the Platform may be limited.

Contact email: []

Term & Termination

Agreement Term. This Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and continue until the later of the following: (1) the expiration or completion of all Subscription Periods or Service commitments under any open Order; or (2) the date on which the Agreement is terminated as specified herein.

License Term. Subject to Customer’s payment of Fees, the Subscription License will continue for the Subscription Period, unless terminated earlier as set forth in this Agreement. A No-Fee License shall continue until terminated, in Trillo’s sole discretion, on notice to Customer.

Termination for Breach. Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party breaches any material term of this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of written notice.

Effect of Termination. If the Agreement expires or is terminated, then: (1) the rights granted by one party to the other will immediately cease; (2) all Fees owed by Customer are immediately due upon receipt of the final invoice; and (3) upon request, each party will use commercially reasonable efforts to return or destroy all Confidential Information of the other party.


Confidentiality Obligation. During the term of this Agreement, both parties agree that: (1) Confidential Information will be used only in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (2) each will use the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information, but in no event less than reasonable care; and (3) the Confidential Information may be disclosed only to employees, agents and contractors with a need to know, and to its auditors and legal counsel, in each case, who are under a written obligation to keep such information confidential using standards of confidentiality not less restrictive than those required by this Agreement. Trillo may use Customer’s data for internal business purposes only, including providing Support, and improving, testing and providing the Products. “Confidential Information” means any information designated as confidential orally or in writing by either party, or any information that the receiving party knows, or has reason to know, is confidential or proprietary based upon its treatment by the disclosing party.

Exclusions. This Agreement imposes no obligation with respect to information that: (1) is a part of or enters into the public domain; (2) was already in the recipient’s possession prior to the date of disclosure other than by breach of this Agreement; (3) is rightfully received from a third party without any duty of confidentiality; or (4) is independently developed without reference to the Confidential Information of the disclosing party.

Publicity. Customer may state publicly that it is a user of the Products. Any identification or use of a party’s brand, logo or trademark shall conform with the trademark use guidelines provided by one party to the other. Customer agrees to participate with Trillo in publicity events which include the items listed below:


Services Warranty. Trillo warrants that it will perform any Services with reasonable care and skill and consistent with standards generally observed for services of a substantially similar nature. If the Services fail to conform to the foregoing warranty, as Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Trillo will promptly attempt to re-perform the applicable Service within 30 days or such longer period as agreed to by the parties in writing, or at Trillo’s option refund any Fees Customer has previously paid for the applicable Service(s).

Software Warranty. Trillo warrants that, during the Subscription Period, the Software will perform in material conformance with its published Documentation. If the Software fails to conform to the foregoing warranty, as Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Trillo will remedy such issues as provided in the Trillo Support Policy, or at Trillo’s option and upon Customer’s cancelation of the Subscription, refund the unused portion of any Fees paid for the Subscription. Under a No-Fee License, the Software is provided free of charge, and on that basis, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Trillo provides the Software “as-is” and without any warranties.

Authority. Each party warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement.

Harmful Code. Trillo will use commercially reasonable efforts and commercially available technology to scan the Software made available to Customer for, and to remove from the then-current-version of the Software, any computer “viruses,” “worms” and other malicious code.



Indemnity by Trillo. Trillo shall defend or settle at its sole expense any claim brought against Customer, its directors, officers, or employees by a third party alleging that the Software as delivered by Trillo infringes or misappropriates any patent, copyright, or trade secret of a third party, and Trillo shall pay all damages finally awarded or costs of settlement of the claim provided that Customer: (1) provides Trillo prompt written notice of any claim; (2) gives Trillo sole control of the defense and settlement of the claim but may not settle any claim unless such settlement fully releases Customer from any liability; and (3) provides all reasonable assistance in connection with the claim.

Injunctions. If Customer’s rights to use the Software are, or in Trillo’s opinion could be, enjoined due to an indemnified claim, then Trillo may, at its sole option and expense: (1) procure for Customer the right to continue using the Software according to the terms of this Agreement, (2) modify the Software such that it operates with materially equivalent functionality without infringing or misappropriation, or (3) if neither of the foregoing options is commercially reasonable, terminate the Subscription and refund the unused portion of any Fees paid for the Subscription.

Exclusions. The indemnity provided by Trillo under this Agreement does not extend to claims arising from or relating to: (1) use of the Software under a No-Fee License; (2) modifications to the Software not provided by or approved in writing by Trillo; (3) use of the Software in combination with any data, software, or hardware not provided by Trillo to the extent the alleged infringement would not have occurred without the combination; (4) Third Party Software; or (5) allegedly infringing activities that continue after Trillo has informed Customer in writing of and made available to Customer at no additional charge a substantially similar version of the Software that would have avoided the alleged infringement.

Remedy. This section states Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy with respect to claims of infringement of third party proprietary rights of any kind and is subject to the terms of the section titled “Limitation of Liability.”

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Trillo or its suppliers be liable for damages other than direct damages, including the cost of procurement of substitute goods or technology, loss of profits, or for any special, consequential, incidental, punitive or indirect damages on any theory of liability, whether in statute, contract, tort, strict liability, indemnity or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the total liability of Trillo to Customer under this Agreement exceed the greater of the total amounts paid by Customer to Trillo during the 6 months prior to the date the claim arises, or five thousand US dollars. The liability limitations in this paragraph (and otherwise in the Agreement) do not limit or exclude damages for bodily injury or death or other damages that under applicable law cannot lawfully be limited or excluded.


During the term of this Agreement, Trillo will maintain at least the following levels of insurance coverage: (1) general commercial liability of $1 million per occurrence, $1 million aggregate for bodily injury and property damage; (2) automotive, hired and non-owned liability of $1 million for bodily injury and property damage; (3) errors and omissions of $1 million per claim and aggregate limit; and (4) workers’ compensation meeting statutory limits.


Affiliates. Trillo and Customer agree that Affiliates of Customer may acquire Products from Trillo or its Affiliates by entering an Order with Trillo (or a Trillo Affiliate) that incorporates the terms and conditions of this Agreement and sets forth the then-applicable pricing. The parties acknowledge that adjustments to the terms of this Agreement may be made in a particular Order (for example, to address disparate tax and/or legal regimes in other geographic regions). “Affiliate” means an entity that owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common control or ownership with a party, where “control” is the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of an entity, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

Assignment. The Agreement may not be assigned by either party by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may assign this Agreement in its entirety (including all Orders), without consent of the other party, to its Affiliate or in connection with a merger, acquisition, corporate reorganization, or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the business to which the Agreement relates. Any such assignment shall be effective upon payment of all amounts then due.

Conflicting Terms. If there is a conflict among the documents that make up this Agreement, the documents will control in the following order: the Order, this Agreement, and the terms located at any URL referenced in this Agreement.

Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets out all terms agreed between the parties and supersedes all other agreements between the parties relating to its subject matter. In entering into this Agreement, neither party has relied on, and neither party will have any right or remedy based on, any statement, representation or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently), except those expressly set out in this Agreement. The terms located at a URL referenced in this Agreement are hereby incorporated by this reference. After the Effective Date, Trillo may provide Customer with an updated URL in place of any URL in this Agreement. Customer agrees that its purchase of a Subscription is neither contingent upon the delivery of any future functionality or features nor dependent upon any oral or written public comments made by Trillo, including any roadmaps or target release dates, with respect to future functionality or features.

Export Controls. Customer agrees to comply with all export and re-export restrictions and regulations of the Department of Commerce and any other United States or foreign agencies and authorities in connection with Customer’s use of the Products. In particular, but without limitation, the Software may not, in violation of any laws, be used, exported or re-exported: (1) into any U.S. embargoed country; or (2) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders. Customer represents and warrants that Customer and its Affiliates are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list.

Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for failure or delay in its performance under this Agreement to the extent caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control. Trillo reserves the right to suspend Subscriptions or Services to comply with laws.

Governing Law. This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with and governed by the internal laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws principles, and each party hereby consents to the jurisdiction of the federal or state courts of Contra Costa County, California, USA. Each party hereby waives any right to jury trial in any litigation in any way arising out of or related to this Agreement.

Independent Contractors. This Agreement will not be construed as creating an agency, partnership, joint venture or any other form of association, for tax purposes or otherwise, between the parties; the parties will at all times be and remain independent contractors.

No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement does not confer any benefits on any third party unless it expressly states that it does.

Notices. All notices must be in writing and addressed to the other party’s legal department and primary point of contact. Notice will be treated as given on receipt, as verified by written or automated receipt or by electronic log (as applicable).

Severability and Waiver. In the event that any provision of this Agreement (or any portion hereof) is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the provision (or portion) will be enforced to the extent possible consistent with the stated intention of the parties, or, if incapable of enforcement, will be deemed to be severed and deleted from this Agreement, while the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force. The waiver by either party of any default or breach of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent default or breach.

Survival. The following sections will survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement: Payment, Restrictions, Proprietary Rights, Effect of Termination, Confidentiality, Limitation of Liability, and Miscellaneous.

Updates. Except as expressly provided herein, no modification of this Agreement will be effective unless contained in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. Trillo may make changes to terms located at a URL referenced in this Agreement, including this agreement from time to time. Trillo will post the amended terms and will update the “Last Updated Date” at the top. By continuing to access or use the Software after Trillo has provided Customer with such notice of a change, Customer is indicating that it agrees to be bound by the modified terms. If the change has a material adverse impact on Customer and Customer does not agree to the change, Customer must notify Trillo within 30 days of the applicable Last Updated Date. If Customer notifies Trillo as required, then Customer will remain governed by the terms in effect immediately prior to the change until the end of the then-current Subscription Period (or, in the case of Services, the completion of the applicable Services). If the Subscription Period is renewed, it will do so under the updated agreement.